Welcome to Oak & Thorn Books

I’m Kieran – lover of languages and sentences that sing.

And fervent supporter of the Oxford comma.

Meet your editor

My love for language began with stories: Tolkien, Lewis, Twain, fairytales, mythology – in truth, just about anything that found its way into my eager hands. That fascination with words continued at the dinner table, discussing split infinitives while fish sticks went flying. (Such conversations tend to happen when your mum’s an English teacher).

When I began beta reading, I realized my perhaps unusual passion for fiddling with prose. Fueled by my appreciation for the beauty and music of language and a desire to help authors enhance the magic in their words, I started working as a freelance editor and joined the Editorial Freelancers Association. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy from Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, PA), where my coursework included grant writing and submitting to academic journals in addition to writing and editing copy for several professional organizations. I’m also one of those people who’ll stop reading and dissect a sentence to figure out why it works, and I’d love to pick apart your manuscript to help your story shine.

words have power

Let’s get started.